Baby Girl Woodland Nursery Decor Inspiration


If you’ve been following along Home Beautifully’s happy little journey, you know that we’re expecting a little baby girl come mid-September!  In anticipation, I’ve been researching nursery decor inspiration.  Doesn’t a woodland themed nursery sound absolutely dreamy?  I love the rustic, cozy aesthetic of woodland nursery decor.  There’s a beautiful earthy feel when incorporating organic elements such as trees, wood, and animals.  Do you love woodland nursery decor as well?  Keep on reading to see some inspiration and product recommendations if you’re in the market for woodland  nursery decor!


Beautiful, Handmade Woodland Nursery Decor

Below, find a curated collection of woodland nursery decor inspiration and ideas.  I’ve toyed with buying each of these when we settling into our new home after baby girl comes.  Each image is linked, using affiliate links, to the artisans’ site so that you can learn more about each beautiful item.

Click the pics below to learn more or keep on reading!