Big News!: Pregnancy Announcement for Baby #2!


Big News, Everyone!

Big news for the Home Beautifully family! We’re expecting baby #2!! I’m over the moon with happiness. We’re both so excited to meet the newest member of our family and for our son to have a sibling.  To share our big news with friends and family, we did a little JC Penny photoshoot with our son, who wore his “big brother” shirt with gusto.  Isn’t he just the sweetest little thing?  We ordered that shirt from Amazon for under $10.

Pregnancy Announcement!

17 Weeks Pregnant Update

I’m finally out of the first trimester at, now at 17 weeks, am beginning to feel like myself again … albeit a much rounder, ample-bellied version of myself.  I’m trying to stay healthy.  See that FitBit Charge 2?  It was a little treat for myself to keep me motivated with walking.  I’ll post more about how I stay active and (reasonably) healthy during my pregnancy in a bit.

Pregnancy Announcement!

 17 Week Pregnancy Questions & Answers

Want some more specifics on how this week’s going with the pregnancy? Read the Q&A questions below for more details!

How Do I Feel?

So so SOOOO pregnant LOL!  But I feel remarkably better than I did in the first trimester (see video embedded below.)  I’m still sleeping ALOT.  Like, I’m solidly in bed by 7:30 and asleep by 9.  I’m not as tired during the day, thank goodness.  Round ligament pain is a beast, and I find myself gasping if I twist or move too quickly.  The doctor says everything is normal and it’s all just my body shifting around while I lug a 16 month around.

What Am I Craving?

Any kind of soup, but most especially Panera vegetable soup or Panera chicken and wild rice.

Swedish fish or dots candy.  Oh yum yum.  My husband has put the ban on buying these.

How Much Weight Have I Gained?

About nine pounds, although it really fluctuates week to week.  Having watched my weight all my life, I struggle with weight gain during pregnancy.  I chatted with my doctor last week who assured me that I’m on a healthy track.  She encouraged me not just to get my steps in every day, but to also make sure I’m working out to a point where I’m elevating my heart rate each day for 20 minutes.  Something more for me to work on…

How Big Is the Baby?

Uh… Lemme check my BabyBump app for that…

Apparently he’s the size of an onion.  Note: I keep saying “he,” but I don’t know for sure.  Just a mama’s intuition, but we find out for sure next week!

Am I Wearing Maternity Clothes?

Heck yes I am.  I’ve been wearing them pretty much since the line appeared on the stick.  Why?  Because they were in my closet and, my goodness, are stretchy pants comfortable.

Is My Belly Button Out?

It’s still in, but it’s oh-so-slowly working it’s way outward.  The bump is getting real!

First Trimester Retrospective

This is not, of course, to say that it’s been all sunshine and roses since we’ve found out. The first trimester was tough, tough, tough.  I actually made a little video when we first found out to share a little more details.  

Want to know how we found out?  I always get the taste of pennies in my mouth.  The worst!

Thank you all, as always, for your love and support.  In all honesty, when I found out I was pregnant, I wasn’t sure how this was going to impact my power-tool-loving, DIY home decorating blog.  What pregnant woman uses power tools or toxic paints? (Hint: not many.)  I actually look a little step back for a minute while I figured out how to continue to be authentically ME while sharing this journey with you.

And what occurred to me is this: joy begets joy.  If I continue to follow my heart, to love what I do, and to bring joy to this little nook of the internet, then that’s good enough for me.  I’m still figuring out what that means for me on a daily basis.  And I sincerely look forward to sharing my joys with my Home Beautifully friends and family.  So thank you for supporting me!  It means everything.

As always, lots of love from my house to yours,