18 Easy X-Carve Projects That Sell!
You did the work, set up your x-carve, ran a few test runs, and now you’d like to make money with your new CNC machine. Finding a great x-carve project idea can be challenging. But don’t worry! In this article, I’m gonna share with you 18 x-carve projects that sell. Perfect for getting your new hustle off the ground and running!

18 Easy X-Carve Projects That Sell
The good news is that there are ALOT of profitable x-carve project ideas out there. It’s easy to find an idea that not only fits your interest but also would sell to a steady market.
Consider some of the ideas below! I’ve included affiliate links to sample projects. Feel free to click over to check out these projects in more detail.
I personally like to save inspirational project images in a folder. Of course, you don’t want to copy projects exactly. (Please don’t do that out of respect to the original artisan!)
When you find a project idea that inspires you, make it your own! Incorporate fonts, graphics, textures, and finishes to create a unique, stand-out product that will sell profitably.
Easy DIY Woodworking Projects & Ideas for Beginners!
Unlock your inner woodworking enthusiast with our ultimate guide on Easy DIY Woodworking Projects – packed full of ideas for beginners!
Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or just starting out, this guide has something for everyone.
From simple yet stylish projects to helpful tips and tricks, get ready to embark on a creative woodworking journey.
Carved Wood Name Signs
You guys, WOW. The market for carved name signs is HUGE. When considering x-carve projects that sell, don’t overlook these popular options! These make great gifts to give loved ones, so it makes sense that these custom name signs are so wildly popular.
There are lots of different ways to create these custom name signs. You could do a relatively simple engraving with your x-carve, playing with fonts and bits to create a custom look. This custom Christmas sign, for example, was made directly in Easel and showcases what you can create with Inventables online platform well.
You can also cut out the name shapes from the thinner board (like MDF, plywood, or even hardwood) and glue it down to a backing sign.
Or, you can play do a more complex carve with your x-carve, playing with depths to create a relief wood carving with your names.
Admittedly, the competition is out there from other sellers. You may want to consider promoting yourself locally, like on the Facebook marketplace, to establish yourself in your area.
Carved Wooden Cutting Boards and Bread Boards
I love cutting boards. Honestly, I don’t think it’s possible to have too many! Plus, beautiful carved wooden cutting boards display SO WELL on a counter. I love that cutting boards and breadboards combine the beauty of wood signs with function in the kitchen.
Creating custom carved cutting boards and breadboards is a great way to add a profit stream to your shop. When you create a carved cutting board, you’ll want to consider sizes and wood types.
Cutting boards come in a range of typical sizes, from small to large. While it’s not “required” to use these standard sizes when creating your project, you might want to consider creating your carved wooden cutting boards or breadboards in these sizes so that they look familiar to your potential customers.
Standard Cutting Board Sizes
- Small: 8 in by 10 in
- Medium: 10 in by 14 in
- Large: 18 in by 24 in
- Extra Large: 20 in by 30 in
Wood Types for Cutting Boards
In addition, when choosing your material, there are a few things you want to consider when it comes to wood.
Typically, cutting boards are made from hardwood for their durability. While there are many types of hardwoods out there, we usually only use a handful when making cutting boards. Usually, cutting boards are made from species like walnut, teak, maple, cherry, beech, and bamboo.
If you’re using other exotic hardwood types, be sure to research them well to ensure that dust and particulate are food safe. (Same is true, too, if you’re using finishing oil or epoxy and resin. Make sure it’s food safe!)
Prices for hardwoods can vary significantly, so you’ll want to price out your materials so that you can work profitably.
Custom Business Name Wood Signs
The beauty of working with businesses to create custom signs? There are tons of opportunities! Working with businesses is a great way to find connections through referrals.
These custom carved wood signs range in size, complexity, and materials. From simpler carved wood designs to stand-alone letters, to big (we’re talking BIG!) statement pieces, you can offer a portfolio of options to gain clientele.
You may also want to consider using alternative materials, like HDU, when carving signs. High-density urethane is a popular sign-making material that’s relatively inexpensive and carves beautifully.
Wooden Children’s Toys
From puzzles to blocks, the kinds of children’s’ toys you can make on your x-carve are limited only by your imagination.
Parents turn to handmade toys for many reasons. Some parents love the simplicity of carved wooden toys, others love the creativity of artisan-made children’s goods. Plus, carved wooden toys also make great gifts for those looking for ideas outside of the big box stores.
Be sure you’re using food safe finishes for your products since children tend to chew on toys or put them in their mouths. Look for no-VOC (volatile organic compound) products such as milk paint or finishing oils when choosing your materials.
As a mom, I’ll tell you that this is absolutely something I would check before buying a handmade wooden children’s toy! Set yourself up for success by choosing the right materials before you begin.
Carved Wooden American Flags
Wooden American flags are hugely popular and sell well. Depending on your location, you can price your flag differently. Commonly, woodworkers can sell their carved wooden flags for upwards of $80 to $100.
Many carved wooden American flags are sized well, with 11.5 inches by 22 inches being a common carve size. Another common flag size is 16 inches by 30 inches.
These flags sell particularly well if they’re carved with military emblems or custom logos. Think about including a navy seal or fire department emblem with your flag.
I know many woodworkers who ONLY carve these custom wooden flags, and they consistently have steady business.
What Do You Think of These X-Carve Projects That Sell?
So tell me, what do you think of these ideas? Any that might give you a good foot in the door with making a profit on your x-carve machine? Remember, it just takes ONE good idea to get going. And the sky is the limit!
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Above all, have fun, be safe, and best of luck!