Free 2021 Printable Planner


I’m a huge HUGE fan of planners, from to-do lists to meal plans, having a printable planner is SUCH a sanity saver.  If you’re looking for a free 2021 printable planner, look no further!  I got you covered.  Want to learn more about this free printable calendar? Keep on reading!

free 2021 printable planner

Free 2021 Printable Calendar

I love creating free printable planners each year.  And, without fail, these freebies tend to rank as some of this site’s most popular posts year over year. 

And it makes sense, right?  Planning and organization help us feel in control.  And these days?  I could use all the control I can get.  2020 was nuts!

I love the 2021 free printable planner for so many reasons.  There are LOTS of great bullet-journal inspired spreads for you to braindump, center your thoughts, or hold yourself accountable.  

Let’s look at each section in a little more detail.

The Printable Planner Monthly Spread

The printable monthly spread can be customized for every month through the end of the year. It’s a blank template that’s oh-so-easy for you to personalize month over month.

The printable monthly calendar has a clean, simple design with room to write for birthdays, events, holidays, trips, and highlights.

The section below the monthly calendar includes space for goal setting. Use this box to write out monthly goals and priorities.

You could also use this as a vision board and identify words, actions, or intentions that you want to guide the next 30 days.

Are you ready?  Let’s dig in.  

quarterly planner and habit tracker printable on a white wood background

The Quarter at a Glance Page

I’m particularly excited about this spread!  Why? I read this ah-mazing book called the 12 Week Year (affiliate link!) that changed how I think about planning and goal setting.

The key here is to plan things out in 12 weeks.  You gotta STOP planning things out for longer than that.  We just get in our own way when we do that.  

By goal planning in 12-week timelines, we’re ultimately MORE productive. 

The Weekly Spread

The weekly spread is a quick one-page overview of the week ahead.  Monday through Friday run down the left-hand side of the page.  You can jot down important appointments or even things you don’t want to miss, like workouts.

There’s also a section for actionable items for the week. This space is great for benchmarking monthly goals. It’s also a good section for setting reminders for things in advance.

monthly and weekly planner printable on a white wood background

Your Daily To-Do List

Before I finished this free printable calendar, I sent a survey to Home Beautifully subscribers to ask what they’d like to see in the free planner. OH. MY. GOSH. The responses flew in like a flurry of Hogwarts letters, you guys. (Turns out we feel passionate about what’s in our planner. This is, of course, no surprise since I feel the same exact way.)

One of the most frequent requests? The daily to-do list printable. You guys, I heard ya …all of you! The daily to-do list is the perfect printable to fill in over the morning cup of coffee. What needs to get done in the next 24 hours?

Also at readers’ request, I’ve included a water tracker, which I’ll admit I need to use myself.

Gratitude and happiness diary printable and daily to do list printable on a white wood background

A Gratitude Tracker and Happiness Diary

The gratitude tracker and happiness might be my favorite spread in the free printable planner. This printable provides space for one to two sentences for self-reflection every day. Yup, space is short on purpose.

Why? I’ve found that daily gratitude is a practice. And while I’d LOVE to be able to sit down and write in my diary every night paragraphs of things that make me happy or about which I feel thankful, I just don’t have the time. Like, at all.

So, this one to two sentence gratitude tracker and happiness diary is the perfect solution for me to practice mindfulness without feeling overwhelmed by a full blank page.

The Habit Tracker

I am OBSESSED with habit trackers. Yep, I love ‘em. Using a habit tracker helped me get through the first month postpartum with my daughter. (I tracked things like brushing my teeth, go outside, and so on for my mental well being.)

In fact, I have a whole article dedicated to using your free habit tracker right here. The article includes ideas for things you could track.

And the free printable calendar includes two types of habit trackers. You don’t need both each month unless you want both.

meal planning printable and grocery list printable on a white wood background

A Meal Planning and Grocery List Planner

This meal planner is ah-mazing. And, no, it’s not revolutionary. It’s space to sit down each week and plot out what your family’s going to eat.

Because (and this shocks me all the time), they want to eat every day. Why does that always catch me off guard?

My husband and I started using this meal planner when we started scrimping our pennies. Not only does it help us stick to our family budget, but also it helps us avoid that overwhelming feeling of figuring out what the kids are going to eat, staring into the icy freezer.

The meal planner has a section to plan out breakfast, lunch, and snacks each week. In fact, on the printable, there are two sections.

You can either plan out two weeks per printable.

Or, if your kids are like mine, you can plan out separate meals for adults and kids on the same printable. (It would be SO MUCH EASIER if my toddler ate what we ate. As it is, he’d be happy eating strawberries every single meal.)

2021 free printable planner feature

Download Your Free Printable Planner

Want to grab your free calendar?  It’s easy.  

Click right here to download your planner!

Want to Know How to Assemble Your Planner?

Once you’ve printed your free calendar, you’re gonna need to put it together to make it custom for you.  After you’ve downloaded your planner, click right here to read how to assemble it.